Care of Magical Creatures Classroom

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Class Sign-Up Sheet
Darien Edwards 30 544 by Rosetta Lorenn
Aug 31, 2007 16:54:39 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Class List
Darien Edwards 0 129 by Darien Edwards
Sept 24, 2006 15:24:40 GMT -5


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Care of Magical Creatures Classroom
Darien likes things neat and organized, and his classroom is just one example of that. The walls are painted with four different landscapes. One the wall facing the entrance, there is a lovely moving portrait of a waterfall, complete with the sound, though it is turned down slightly. If you sit near it, you'll hear it. On the wall to the left of the door, there is a moving picture of a rain forest, complete with a few animals and their sounds. The same applies for this wall as the waterfall wall. On the wall to the right of the door, a moving landscape of an ocean, complete with the sound of waves crashing against the shore. On the wall that has the door, there is a picture of a cave in the middle of a mountain, the cave being the door's entrance. You can hear sounds, such as bats squeaking and water dripping. Also, each wall has a smell, that if you lean against it, you can smell the scents coming from it. His desk is against the ocean, and the classroom tables are facing the waterfall. There is no chalkboard, but instead, a table at the front of the room for whatever the day's subject may be. He has bookcases against the cave wall on either side of the door filled with books on magical creatures.
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