Professor Darien Edwards' Office

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Darien Edwards 20 287 by Darien Edwards
Aug 7, 2006 15:54:29 GMT -5


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Professor Darien Edwards' Office
Darien's office is similar to his classroom. He has a bed in the middle of the wall to the left of the door. On the wall to the right of the door, there is a moving picture of an ocean, complete with the sound and smells. So once you step into his room, you smell and hear the ocean. He has a dog bed beside his couch, which is across from the door, for Katrina to sleep in. There is a mini-fridge against the wall with the door, and there are bookcases on the other side. He has a nice stereo against the wall beside the mini-fridge, and there is even a black piano on the same wall as his bed, pushed into the corner near the bookshelves.
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