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No New Posts Girl's Dormitories

The girl's dormitories are reached by going up the flight of stairs in each common room and turning right. There is one long corridor, one that you can see all the way to the bottom, and there are big wooden doors on each wall. There are loads of rooms to choose from, and students are allowed to choose ther own room-mates, if any at all. The rooms themselves come in three different sizes; large, which has five beds in it three dressers and a huge closet; medium, which contains three beds, one dresser and an equally huge closet; and small, which contains one small bed (with an extra pull-out bed beneath it), a dresser and a small closet.

2 5 Trashed And Scattered [[Deathie Attack!]]
by adelacastillo
Apr 10, 2007 16:52:41 GMT -5
No New Posts Boy's Dormitories

The boy's dormitories are reached by going up the flight of stairs in each common room and turning left. There is one long corridor, one that you can see all the way to the bottom, and there are big wooden doors on each wall. There are loads of rooms to choose from, and students are allowed to choose ther own room-mates, if any at all. The rooms themselves come in three different sizes; large, which has five beds in it three dressers and a huge closet; medium, which contains three beds, one dresser and an equally huge closet; and small, which contains one small bed (with an extra pull-out bed beneath it), a dresser and a small closet.

1 3 The Wicked End [[Deathie Attack!]]
by Serphius de la Ravin
Apr 10, 2007 11:41:57 GMT -5
No New Posts The Intermise Students' Diaries and Journals

Each student has a diary somewhere, surely, and this is the place for you to write all their thoughts, dreams and secrets.

3 4 |.x.|Secretly Secretly|.x.|
by Cameron Laurier
Sept 1, 2006 14:39:02 GMT -5

Intermise Common Room

Status    Subject Created By Replies Views Last Post
newBookmarkLockedFalling [ Rolling With The Punches ] - [ AIMEE ]
Serphius de la Ravin 13 447 by Vance Danvers
Jan 12, 2008 15:53:35 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling |;|By|Any|Means|A|Shadow|;|
Cameron Laurier 2 128 by Cameron Laurier
Aug 22, 2006 19:49:24 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling At The End Of The Day {Open}
Anastasia MacKeltar 0 119 by Anastasia MacKeltar
Jul 29, 2006 18:14:48 GMT -5


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Intermise Common Room
The Intermise Common Room is very similar to the Lioano 'Room in shape and size. The furniture in this room, however, is blue and grey stripes, the walls teal. This common room also has several bookshelves in it.
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