Divination Classroom

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Carmen Otality 11 158 by adelacastillo
Apr 10, 2007 15:25:24 GMT -5


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Divination Classroom
A tall, long and wide classroom sits on the top floor. There are in fact no desks but two seater tables. At least two dozen of them. On the tables are crystal balls. Some large, others smaller. All work fine.
On the sides of the pink walls are cabinets filled with tea-cups and tea leaves. Carmen gets a fresh new stock every two weeks. The floors are wooden. There are some steps. Not all tables are on the same floor. Some are slightly higher than others. There's a large black-board at the front of the classroom with small scribbles drawn. At the side of the class sits a small desk where the proffesor sits and watches her students. There she takes notes, marks homework and makes sure everyone behaves.
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