Charms Classroom

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Class Sign-up Sheet
Alec Edwards 21 295 by Rosetta Lorenn
Aug 31, 2007 17:08:58 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Extra Help
kay 4 120 by kay
Oct 21, 2006 6:25:14 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Class List
Alec Edwards 0 82 by Alec Edwards
Sept 24, 2006 15:14:57 GMT -5


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Board Description
Charms Classroom
Tables fill the Charms classroom, all facing the front of the room. The door is to the back of them all, and the teacher's desk is facing the door and the students' tables. The walls are all exquisite paintings. The one behind the teacher's desk is of a sunset on an ocean, the colors blending perfectly into one another. The one on the right of the door is a painting of the city of Paris at night from the top of the Eiffel Tower, showing an aerial view. The one to the left of the door is of a waterfall in the forest, a rainbow arching over it, the vibrant colors seemngly alive. The one on the wall of the door is of mountains, the sun rising just over the edge of them. These walls don't hold smells or sounds, just pictures. There are bookshelves along the wall holding his desk, and there are cabinets on the wall holding the door.
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